Are you looking for paving companies in Wentzville, MO? Call us at Ford Asphalt Company today to get started. There’s more to asphalt curb installation than may immediately meet the eye. Before getting into the details, it’s important to first understand the different roles your curb can play in a St. Louis paving project. We’re one of the paving companies in Wentzville, MO that can help!
What is the Purpose of an Asphalt Curb?
Asphalt curbs are crucial parts of any parking lot project. There are several uses for curbs. Many engineers use them to define the edge of the parking lot and prevent cars from running off the edge. They’re also used to protect landscape islands within a parking lot.
In addition to protecting the landscaping, the curb prevents landscape material from washing out onto the asphalt parking lot during heavy rains. It also helps control water runoff and direct it towards catch basins.

Are There Different Styles of Asphalt Curb Installation?
Asphalt curb machines use interchangeable molds to create different styles of curbing. The different molds can produce asphalt curbs with flat tops, rounded tops, and more. This allows you to choose the style you like the most during the curb installation process.
Despite different appearances, almost all asphalt curbing is a standard 6 inches in height.
How Do I Know if My Asphalt Curb Needs to be Repaired?
Asphalt curb installation rests on top of an existing asphalt surface. There’s no base support, known as “footing,” of any kind with an asphalt curb. Consequently, an asphalt curb needs to be backfilled with dirt behind it to give it support.
An asphalt curb that is not backfilled will crack and break when hit by the weight of a car or a snowplow. In some cases, the force of a car or a snowplow will knock a section of curb that is not backfilled completely off of the asphalt surface.
Asphalt curbs need to be repaired when either the curb is unsightly (cracked, broken or smashed down) or is not performing the function it was originally installed for, like water runoff.
Should I Use Asphalt or Concrete for my Curb?
Asphalt curb is substantially less expensive than concrete curb. However, asphalt curbs aren’t nearly as strong as concrete curbs. Therefore, if the curb you are installing is going to take any force at all from anything heavy, you should use concrete curbing. If the curb is only going to take the force of water or landscape material from a parking lot island, asphalt curb is sufficient.
This is probably far more detail about curbing than you ever wanted to know. If you have any questions or want to discuss projects involving asphalt in St. Louis and beyond, get in touch with us.